The activity of the emperor in the context of the christological controversy in Byzantium of the seventh century

Oleksandr Kashchuk

Ukraiński Katolicki Uniwersytet we Lwowie , Poland


In the quest of theological agreement in Byzantium in the seventh century Emperors played a leading role. The rulers were promoters of the theological discussions and promulgated documents concerning a Christian doctrine oblig­ing all over the Empire. That would lead to a compromise between supporters of both Monophysitism and Chalcedon. The aim of theological compromise was to achieve peace in the Empire in the face of danger. When the necessity for recon­ciliation with the Monophysites ceased to be valid, Emperor Constantine IV con­vened the Council in Constantinople, which condemned the adherents of Mono­theletism. Emperors had a solid ideological basis for their activities. Emperor was treated as a person with religious authority entitled to intervene in the affairs of the Church, even in matters of faith. His concern for the state included not only the secular affairs, but also religious. Religion is subordinated to state authority. Such ideological contents were supported by majority of the hierarchs of the Byzantine Church in the seventh century. The ideology of the special character of the person of the Emperor was especially alive in Byzantium during various crises.


emperor, Church, ideology, authority, monotheletism

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Oleksandr Kashchuk 
Ukraiński Katolicki Uniwersytet we Lwowie


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