Care for the Church issues in the correspondence from the last decade of Gregory of Nazianzus’ life

Norbert Widok

Uniwersytet Opolski , Poland


Analysis of approximately 165 letters of Gregory Nazianzen written by him in the last decade of his life revealed a large part of them devoted to his involvement in the current affairs of the ecclesial community. His departure from the position of the bishop of Constantinople, marked by a kind of failure, did not prompt him to react against the Church, but developed just an opposite attitude – increased mobilization of his strenght for the constant concern about the situation of the local Churches. This concern referred to the activities of the pastors of particular ecclesial communities, experiencing a variety of problems, deacons and presby­ters, coming from his surroundings, as well as synods, which were to successfully resolve contentious issues. It should be remembered that Capadocian did not en­joy at that time good health. Despite suffering form various diseases, Gregory did not only focused on the treatment of poor health, but also continuesely appeared as an active member of the Church, especially that having still the bishops ordina­tion, he could not completely withdraw from the pastoral obligations.


Gregory of Nazianzus, correspondence, concern for the Church, the fight against false believers, the provisions of the Synod

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Norbert Widok 
Uniwersytet Opolski


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