The role of Nikaia as the centre of Byzantine world after 1204 AD
Jacek Bonarek
Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach , PolandAbstract
After the turbulent events of 1204 and after gaining the power by the Latins in Constantinople, Nicaea was supposed to become the center of post-Byzantine world as the capital of a country newly created by Theodore I Laskaris. It definitely fulfilled all the conditions to become the most significant town in the north-western part of Asia Minor. The sovereigns from the Laskaris dynasty supported its development as well, although it must be emphasized that it was not the only center of their country. Next to Nicaea both Magnesia and Nymphaion need to be mentioned. Nicaea became an important cultural and scientific center of the new empire. Nevertheless, it was not an exceptional place as the distinguished representatives of Byzantine scientific and cultural world lived also permanently in other towns (also in those towns which were under the Latins’ rule). What is more, the educational system of Nicaea was criticized (e.g. George – Gregory II of Cyprus). The last but one emperor, Theodore II Laskaris (1254-1258), tried to make Nicaea the only center of Byzantine Greeks country. Nevertheless, as early as three years after his death the Byzantine Greeks regained Constantinople, the real capital of the world, and Nicaea again became the center of secondary importance.
Nicaea, the Laskaris dynasty, Magnesia, NymphaionReferences
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Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach
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