Youngest and oldest Christians in epitaphy at Roman catacombs

Bożena Stawoska-Jundziłł

Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Umiejętności w Łodzi , Poland


In this article I analyse text on epitaphs in Roman Catacombs (III-VI cen­tury) of youngest (children to one years old) and oldest (above eighty years old) Christians. We observe here huge number of children in funeral inscriptions in comparison to other age group. In both analysed groups have similar character of inscription. It shows minimal amount of text and not very many religion refer­ence. Perhaps it is result of believing that short or “to long” life are lacking value.


Rome, funeral epigraphy, early Christian family, infants, oldest

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Bożena Stawoska-Jundziłł 
Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Umiejętności w Łodzi


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