Constructing Macrina’s image in Gregory of Nyssa’s works on the background of heroic women literary tradition

Marta Szada

Uniwersytet Warszawski , Poland


In the following article I try to investigate how the literary means used by Gregory of Nyssa in his works, especially the Life of St. Macrina, the Dialogue about Soul and Resurrection and the Letter 19. are related to the tradition of depic­ting heroic woman. In the first part of this paper I consider biblical and martyro­logical literature, ancient novels, dramas and moralistic works of Plutarch. In the second part I gain a closer look into relations between the creation of Macrina and other hagiographical works of the same time. My purposes are complex. Firstly, I would like to determine the main differences of male and female hero’s narrations. Secondly, I try to examine how Gregory uses conventions and if he is innovative.


Gregory of Nyssa, Macrina the Younger, hagiography, sanctity, heroism

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Szada, M. (2013). Konstrukcja wizerunku Makryny w pismach Grzegorza z Nyssy na tle literackiej tradcyji przedstawiania heroicznej kobiety. Vox Patrum, 60, 359–383.

Marta Szada 
Uniwersytet Warszawski


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