The pericope about the resurrection of Lazarus (John 11, 1-44) and teaching of saint Augistine about forgiveness of sins

Wojciech Kamczyk

Rybnik , Poland


Interpreting the pericope about the resurrection of Lazarus, Augustine began his commentary with a reflection about three resurrection miracles described in the Gospels. Namely the raising to life Jairus’ daughter, young man of Nain and Lazarus. The latter seems to be the richest in theological meaning. Augustine compared these three dead with three types of sin (in the heart, in deed and out of habit). Those dead were raised to life by Jesus. He is the one who has the pow­er to do so. The forgiveness of sins is here presented as a spiritual resurrection. However in the most serious situation is Lazarus. It is a picture of the sinner, who not only commits sin, but is subjected to a habit. The forgiveness of sins is done by the power of Christ, but there is also the need for confession of sin, repentance, and the interference of Mother Church, which releases us from the bondage of sin.


resurrection of Lazarus, John 11, 1-44, Augistine

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Kamczyk, W. (2012). Perykopa o wskrzeszeniu Łazarza (J 11, 1-44) a nauka św. Augustyna o odpuszczeniu grzechów. Vox Patrum, 57, 247–261.

Wojciech Kamczyk 


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