Trinitarian terminology in Apponius’ "Expositio in canticum canticorum" (books I-III)

Ludmiła Lach-Bartlik

Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach , Poland


Although Apponius’ Expositio in Canticum Canticorum refers directly to one of the books of the Old Testament, by dint of the allegorical exegesis used by it’s author, we can find there many New Testament subjects and theological problems. It also contains knowledge about the Holy Trinity. In the article there were used quotations about the Holy Trinity (from books I-III), one can find either the very noun “Trinity” (Trinitas) or individual Persons in the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son and the Spirit, yet having relations with each other. In the first part of the article there were analyzed attributes, which are used by Apponius to describe the nature of the Holy Trinity: inseparabilis, individua, coaeterna Trinitas. The speci­fied attributes of the Holy Trinity get to the core of the Christian dogma about God and combine with the faith and baptism. God is one, indivisible, acting with a one divine power, but eternally existing in three Persons. In the second part of the article, the relations occurring in the Trinity were presented. Apponius’ Trinitas is the three Persons in God: the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. The Persons in the Trinity are in two kinds of relations: occurring between the Persons of the Holy Trinity (the immanent Trinity) and going beyond the Trinity into the world and human beings (the economic Trinity). Apponius using the language of symbols, metaphors and analogies, reminds the fundamental truths about God. By descrip­tion of the attributes of the Holy Trinity he emphasizes the unity of God, and by the description of the relations – the trinity of the Persons.


Apponius, Expositio in canticum canticorum, trinitarian terminology

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Lach-Bartlik, L. (2012). Terminologia trynitarna w "Expositio in canticum canticorum" Apponiusza (księgi I-III). Vox Patrum, 57, 379–397.

Ludmiła Lach-Bartlik 
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


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