The constitutive elements of the initial catechesis according to "De catechizadis rudibus" of St. Augustine
Paweł Mąkosa
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , PolandAbstract
The work of St. Augustine’s De catechizandis rudibus form the beginning of fifth century has still relevant guidelines for catechists. In a special way it relates to the content and methods geared towards people who are at the beginning of the Christian initiation. An analysis of the work of St. Augustine allows to specify the constitutive elements of the catechesis. These are: narratio as a story about great works of God, cohortatio as a call to Christian life and hilaritas as a joy accompanying catechesis. St. Augustine points out that the initial catechesis should begin form proclamation of God’s love expressed in history of salvation, especially its major events. Only if the participants of catechesis answer the love of God with faith it is possible to call them for a faithful Christian life. Each of these two elements of catechesis should be done with joy. All of the identified by St. Augustine elements of catechesis is also necessary in the contemporary Christian formation and should serve as an inspiration for today’s catechists.
Augustine, De catechizadis rudibus, initial catechesisReferences
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Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
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