The travels of monks and clergymen in the light of saint Jerome

Monika Ożóg

Uniwersytet Opolski , Poland


Saint Jerome, the author of the Latin translation of the Holy Bible and Eusebius’s Onomasticon, contributed to a large extent to the popularisation and development of the tourist-pilgrimage movement at the turn of the 4th and 5th centuries. The aim of the present article is to present, in the light of Jerome’s works, how people travelled, among others, to the Holy Land; how the author of the Letters travelled himself as well as how his companions, monks and clergymen travelled. What is more, the text presents which way(s) the most popular sea and land routes ran and what types of dangers the then travellers were exposed to. The article also shows which locations were most popular and which souvenirs were desirable by pilgrims.


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Monika Ożóg 
Uniwersytet Opolski


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