The autobiographical elements in three of African passions from III century

Marek Starowieyski

Uniwersytet Warszawski , Poland


Three African Passions from III century contains the characteristic element: autobiographical parts, which we do not find in other passions of ancient period. There are Martyrdom of Saints Perpetua and Felicity (203 c.), Martyrdom of Montanus, Lucius and their companions (259 c.) and Martyrdom of Marianus and Jacob. This all three Passions are authentic and principally autonomic of themselves, but two latest patterns of popular in Africa Passion of Perpetua and Felicity in some of elements. The autobiographical elements relates to description of the Passion as well as visions, which were experienced in prison. That latest mentioned element does not have to be understood as a influence of Montanism over this works – both this elements are given in different form and included in different way at the same work. The artistic level of descriptions is also different from the most beautiful pieces of Passion of Perpetua and Felicity to rather simple followed pieces of the work. Martyrs were really involved writing in prison and handed-down descriptions of themselves martyrdom to build future generations and give them shinning examples.


passions, III century

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Marek Starowieyski 
Uniwersytet Warszawski


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