The presentation of the Apostle Bartholomew’s death in a picture from Burgrabice’s church

Renata Wierna

Warszawa , Poland


In the Burgrabice’s town church (diocese Opole) there is a painting by Max Günther (1887-1961), a local painter living in Burgrabice. It describes the death of the saint Apostle Bartholomew. Max Günther is said to paint it during his journey to Rome in 1914. The picture is a copy of Francesco Manno’s (1752-1831) work, exposed in saint Bartholomew’s Basilica in Rome (all’Isola Tiberina).


Bartholomew, Burgrabice’s church

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Wierna, R. (2012). Apokryficzne przedstawienie męczeństwa św. Bartłomieja Apostoła na obrazie z kościoła parafialnego w Burgrabicach. Vox Patrum, 57, 737–750.

Renata Wierna 


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