Brainless creatures are a call to perfection. Contribution to a study on St. Ambrose’s "Hexaemeron"
Brunon Zgraja
Uniwersytet Opolski , PolandAbstract
The present article presents an interpretation made by St. Ambrose in the Commentary to the Six Days of Creation, the so-called Hexaemeron, of some features of the brainless crestures – plants and animals – in the context of indications and instructions regarding perfection of moral life of the faithful entrusted to his care and, at the same time, it shows the essential elements of a model of Christian perfection, from the point of view of Ambrose as pastor. In brief, Ambrose appeals to the faithful to cultivate in themselves an attitude of humility before God, to stand up for the Christ’s persecuted sheepfold, to guard the deposit of faith handed over to them, to faithfully fulfill his commands, furthermore, to care for conversion of others, to strive for a proper shape of matrimonial and parental love. What is more, Christian perfection, in Ambrose’s opinion, means also freedom from greed, from laziness, a development of the virtues of faith and hope, cultivating an attitude of justice and charity in one’s life, ability to withstand poverty, trust in God’s care, zeal in fulfilling the tasks entrusted to us, hospitality, care for parents, joint responsibility for the development of the State, and also keeping widow’s chastity.
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Uniwersytet Opolski
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