Old men in writings of the Syriac Church Fathers

Andrzej Uciecha

Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach , Poland


In this contribution author analyse certain christological and eschatological aspects of old age in writings of the Syriac Church Fathers: Testament of Adam a Christian (pseud­epigraphical work from 3rd century A.D.), Acts of the Holy Apostle Thomas (the New Testament apocrypha from 3rd century A.D.), Demonstration on death and the last days of Aphrahat the Persian Sage (4th century A.D.), Hymns of Ephrem the Syrian On Paradise, On Virginity, On the Nativity, and at last one homily from Liber Graduum (a collection of 30 spiritual homelies from 5th century A.D.).


old men, Syriac Church Fathers

Acta Judae Thomae Apostoli, tłum. w: Apokryfy Nowego Testamentu, red. M. Starowieyski, II: Apostołowie, cz. 1, Kraków 2007
Afrahat, Demonstrationes, ed. J. Parisot, PSyr 1, Paris 1894
Afrahat, Hymni de nativitate, CSCO 186
Afrahat, Hymni de paradiso, CSCO 174
Afrahat, Hymni de virginitate, CSCO 223
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Éphrem de Nisibe, Hymnem sur la nativité, trad. F.Cassingena-Trévedy, SCh 459, Paris 2001
Liber graduum, ed. M. Kmosko, w: PS 1/3, ed. R. Graffin, PSyr 3, Parisiis 1926
Myszor W., Memra, w: C.V. Manzanares, Pisarze wczesnochrześcijańscy I-VII w., oprac.W. Myszor, tłum. E. Burska, Warszawa 2001
Rubinkiewicz R., Wprowadzenie do apokryfów Starego Testamentu, Lublin 1987
Testament of Adam. A new translation and introduction by S.E. Robinson, w: The Old Pseudepigrapha, vol. 1: Apocalyptic Literature and Testaments, ed. J.H. Charlesworth, New York 1983
Testamentum Patris Nostri Adam, ed. M. Kmosko, w: Patrologia Syriaca 2, Paris 1907
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Vergani E., Senes non moriuntur, nec senescunt iuvenes. L’anziano in alcui testi della letteratura siriaca, w: Senectus. La vecchiaia nell’antichità, ed. U. Mattioli, vol. III: Ebraismo e cristianesimo, Bologna 2007, 681-703


Uciecha, A. (2011). Pozycja starców w literaturze Ojców Syryjskich. Vox Patrum, 56, 401–409. https://doi.org/10.31743/vp.4233

Andrzej Uciecha 
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


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