The conception of the Christian education in Clement of Alexandria and John Chrysostom’s grasp

Franciszek Drączkowski

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


Presented paper consists of five main parts and focuses on the most impor­tant elements of their teaching about education and upbringing. The first part tells about pupils, next one about educator, the third about methods in the pe­dagogical process, the forth about programme of educative activity, and the last one about goal of that process. Although Clement and John Chrysostom present different point of view f. e. on the understanding of the educator and pupils, their thought can be treated as complementary educational system because they fol­low from the same Christian doctrinal point and the classical tradition.


John Chrysostom, Clement of Alexandria, education

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Drączkowski, F. (2009). Koncepcja wychowania chrześcijańskiego w ujęciu Klemensa Aleksandryjskiego oraz Jana Chryzostoma. Vox Patrum, 53, 313–328.

Franciszek Drączkowski 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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