An intricate process in Athens: Euphiletus killing Eratosthenes, his wife’s lover

Orazio Antonio Bologna

Pontificia Università Salesiana , Italy


In Athens in the late and early fifth century B.C. Eratosthenes, a well-known real Don Juan was killed. He sets his eyes on a young wife and seduces her, she is the wife of Euphiletus, a modest farmer, who spent a lot of time in countryside, away from his wife. Euphiletus, after the birth of his (first) son, places full faith in his wife. Having been in­formed about the affair, he catches her in adultery and, in front of some witnesses, kills Eratosthenes. The victim’s relatives hold a trial against the murderer, who before the Court gives a brilliant oration, written by Lysia one of the greatest orators of Athens.


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Bologna, O. A. (2011). Un intricato processo ad Atene: Eufileto uccide Eratostene, seduttore della moglie (Lysias, Or. I: De Eratosthenis caede apologia). Vox Patrum, 56, 449–464.

Orazio Antonio Bologna 
Pontificia Università Salesiana


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