A few remarks concerning Roman Itineraries

Beata Pawłowska-Blachaczek

Uniwersytet Rzeszowski , Poland


Roman Itineraries were written to make visiting sacred places easier in the Eternal City. The oldest ones originated in the 7th century, when the Roman cata-combs were still visited, just before the times of mass relocation of martyrs’ relics to European churches. Therefore, they are a source of information about the condition of Roman sacred places at the close of Christian antiquity. AU of them are indexes and catalogues informing where loca sancta can be found, how to get to them and what is worth seeing. The marked routes for pilgrims seem to be standard ones, along which the arrivals were led. The description of topography of Rome based on Itineraries allows us to learn about the places where martyrs’ remains were buried; showing a specific place where they were worshipped by the arrivals to the Eternal City in the 7th century. It should be emphasized that in some cases they differ while describing the location of martyrs’ burial grounds.


Itineraries, VII century

Arthemius, De locis sanctis
Arthemus, Pittacia, CCL 175
Audafax, De locis sanctis, CCL 175
Audifax, Itinerarium Malmesburiense, CCL 175
Benedictus XIV, De Servorum Dei beatificatione et Beatorum canonizatione, Bruxellis 1840
Bosio A., Roma sotterranea. Opera postuma, Roma 1632
Carletti C., Santuari di martiri romani negli Itinerari del VII secolo, „Studi Romani” 18 (1970) 51-67
Cymiteria totius Romanae Urbis, CCL 175
De locis sanctis martyrum quae sunt foris civitatis Romae, CCL 175
Duchesne L., Les origines du culte chretien, Paris 1925
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Gori A.F., Thesaurus veterum diptychorum, II, Florentiae 1759
Gregorius Magnus, Epistulae, CCL 140, tłum. J. Czuj: Św. Grzegorz Wielki, Listy, II, Warszawa 1954
Itinerarium Malmesburiense (De numero portarum et sanctis Romae), CCL 175
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Kubitschek W., s.v. Itinerarien, RE IX 2308-2363
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Low G., Beatificazione, ECat I I 1090
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Mabillon J., Praefationes, w: Acta SS. Ordinis SS. Benedicti, Tridenti 1724
Martyrologium Hieronymianum, ed. H. Delehaye - H. Quentin, ASS Novembris II pars posterior, Bruxelles 1931
Misztal H., Prawo kanonizacyjne według ustawodawstwa Jana Pawła II, Lublin - Sandomierz 1997
Muratori L.A., Anecdota latina, II, Mediolani 1697
Notitia Ecclesiarum Urbis Romae, CCL 175
Notula e pittacia, w: G. da Marini, Papiri diploma-tici, Roma 1805
Notula de olea ss. Martyrum qui Romae in corpore reąuiescunt, CCL 175, 284-295, R. Valentini — G. Zucchetti, Codice topografico della Citta di Roma, II, Roma 1949
Paulus Diaconus, Historia Longobardorum, ed. B. Luiselli - A. Zanella, Milano 1991, tłum. I. Lewandowski: Paweł Diakon, Historia Longobardów, Warszawa 1995
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Ruinart T., Acta primorum martyrum sincera, Amstelaedami 1713
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Ypolitus, Notitia Ecclesiarum, CCL 175
Yppolitus, Pittacia, CCL 175


Pawłowska-Blachaczek, B. (2008). Kilka uwag o rzymskich Itinerariach (VII wiek). Vox Patrum, 52(2), 843–854. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.kul.pl/index.php/vp/article/view/6317

Beata Pawłowska-Blachaczek 
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski


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