The Unknown Sources of „Historia ecclesiastica" of Evagrius Scholasticus (HE III 30)

Kazimierz Ginter

Kraków , Poland


Evagrius Scholasticus, the author of Historia Ecclesiastica, written at the end of the sixth century, is unanimously regarded by scholars as a person - in proportion to his times - of broad horizons and objectivity. He is without any doubt an unusual writer. A good example of his originality is his description of the rule emperor Anastasius. Evagrius describes him very warmly, although the emperor was regarded as a partisan of the monophysites. Yet Evagrius, without any doubt a Chalcedonian writer, places Anastasius in heaven after his death; Justinian, on the other hand, is placed in hell.


Evagrius Scholasticus, Historia ecclesiastica, sources, Anastasius, Justinian, Life of Severus, monophysitism, Chalcedon

w opracowywaniu


Ginter, K. (2000). Nieznane źródła „Historii kościelnej" Ewagriusza Scholastyka (HE III 30). Vox Patrum, 38, 521–535.

Kazimierz Ginter 


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