First Christians and Roman Catacombs in 19th Century and Modern Historical Polish Novel

Beata Pawłowska

Polska , Poland


The fall of ancient Rome and the rise of great Christian community on its ruins are subjects touched not only by historians but also by men of letters. Particularly they created an amazingly suggestive picture of the Romans world, where first Christians were to Iive. This picture has remained in the consciousness of many people far good and the past reality is still perceived through its prism. A legend, fanned by the idea of all the Christians, who covered the darkness of the right, slipped by the empty streets of sleeping Rome on the way to the catacomb, was born.


ancient Christianity, catacombs, historical novel

w opracowywaniu


Pawłowska, B. (1998). Pierwsi chrześcijanie a katakumby rzymskie w XIX-wiecznej i współczesnej polskojęzycznej powieści historycznej. Vox Patrum, 34, 455–469.

Beata Pawłowska 


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