The Participation of the Armed Forces in the Process of Removing and Enthronement of the Bishops of Alexandria during the Arian Controversy in the East
Małgorzata B. Leszka
Polska , PolandAbstract
Within the short period of time between the years 339 and 373, Alexandria witnessed to a frequent use of the armed forces with an eye to removing the current bishop or enthronement of another, who had been approved of by the imperial court. Local administration officials and army officers were made use of in order to execute the current ruler’s orders.
Alexandria, arianism, East, bishop, enthronement, armyReferences
w opracowywaniu
Leszka, M. B. (1999). Udział sił zbrojnych w procesie odsuwania od władzy biskupów aleksandryjskich podczas kontrowersji ariańskiej na wschodzie. Vox Patrum, 36, 349–365.
Małgorzata B. Leszka
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