From Orthodoxy to the National Church. Armenia in the Early Christian Epoch (301-726)

Daniel Próchniak

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski , Poland


From Christianization to the loss of State independence (301-387). 1. Historical background. 2. Christianization of Armenia. The beginnings of organizing the Armenian Church. 3. Two trends in the 4th century Armenian Church. (a) the Cappadocian orientation. (b) the North Mesopotamian-Syrian orientation. 4. Hereditary character of the principal functions in the Armenian Church. The conflict of the Armenian rulers with the Church. 5. Breaking up with the tradition of nominating the superiors of the Armenian Church in Caesarea.


Armenia, orthodoxy, national Church, baptism, St. Gregory the Illuminator, alfabet

w opracowywaniu


Próchniak, D. (2002). Od ortodoksji do kościoła narodowego. Armenia w epoce wczesnochrześcijańskiej (301-726). Vox Patrum, 40, 49–82.

Daniel Próchniak 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski


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