The Method of Combating the Capital Sins in the "Homiles on the I Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians" by St. John Chrysostom

Andrzej Uciecha

Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach , Poland


In his description of the reality and the consequences of Capital sin, St. John spoke with evocative eloquence. Using metaphor, imagery and analogy in conformity with the Christian system of values, enabled him to rationalize the underlying motives of human behavior. The quality of his analysis and his gift of rhetoric and eloquence were outstanding.


John chrysostom, capital sin, homilies, 1 Letter to the Corinthians, combat, pride, jealousy, anger, impurity, intemperance, laziness

w opracowywaniu


Uciecha, A. (2002). Grzechy główne i metody walki z nimi w "Homiliach na I List św. Pawła do Koryntian" św. Jana Chryzostoma. Vox Patrum, 40, 247–262.

Andrzej Uciecha 
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


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