The Mystery of the Cross of Christ in the Letters of St. Jerome

Andrzej Gburek


The author of the article presents issues dealing with the problem named in the topie of the article, confronting them simultaneously with the notions available to the author of letter. One can enumerate the following issues: biblical forms of crosses and their message as well as records and certificates referring to the events, which have given start to the sacralization of the cross. Author indicates also the fact that the declarations of prophets of the Old Testament about Christ have come true, and by Christ both the cross and the people who take the difficulty of seeing the cross as the symbol of salvation of a human rather than an infamous sign of death have been sanctified.


Cross, Christ, Jerome, letters, mystery

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Gburek, A. (2008). Tajemnica Krzyża Chrystusa w Listach św. Hieronima. Vox Patrum, 52(1), 219–232.

Andrzej Gburek


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