Man's Responsibility for Nature in the Approach of Basil the Great

Ewa Osek

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski , Poland


According to St. Basil the human condition and the State of nature are always the same. The histories of the mankind and natural world are closely connected, because of his conception of the nature, conceived as the whole of which a man is a part. St. Basil basing himself on the Scriptures divides the word history into three stages: 1) the Paradise age, 2) the times after the Fali, and 3) eschatological timeless future.


Basil the Great, nature, responsibility

w opracowywaniu


Osek, E. (2005). Odpowiedzialność człowieka za przyrodę w ujęciu Bazylego Wielkiego. Vox Patrum, 48, 79–104.

Ewa Osek 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski


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