The Coins from Apamea Kibotos. The Oldest Iconography of Noah’s Ark

Aleksandra Kiełczewska


Author of the article presents the series of six coins minted in ancient city of Apamea Kibotos in Phrygia during the reign of emperors Septimus Severus (193- 211), Macrinus (217-218), Alexander Severus (222-235), Gordian III (238-244), Philip the Arab (244-249) and Trebonius Gallus (251-253). The coins depict Noah’s Ark and were connected with Jewish community of the city. The article introduces a short history of Apamea and Jewish settlers in this region. The main part of the article presents the description of the scenes on the coins and tries to explain the circumstances of their appearance in ancient Roman city. An attempt to explain the meaning of the Greek nickname for Apamea - Kibotos, is also significant. In the end of the article author makes the comparison with depictions of Noah’s Ark in early Christian art.


coin, Apamea Kibotos, Noah's Ark, Phrygia, Jews, Art history

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Kiełczewska, A. (2008). Monety z Apamei Kibotos. Najstarsza ikonografia Arki Noego. Vox Patrum, 52(1), 455–470.

Aleksandra Kiełczewska 


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