Jerome of Stridon as vir trilinguis on the Example of a Commentary to the Book of Isaiah 7:10-16

Magdalena Małgorzata Jóźwiak

Uniwersytet Wrocławski , Poland


The article concerns Commentaria in Isaiam 7:10-16 (cf. PL 24. 107 A-113 B), which was written by St. Jerome of Stridon. In this article, I was looking for an answer to the question of how St. Jerome interprets „The Emmanuel Prophecy”: whether in the literal or allegorical sense? The literal interpretation of Isa 7:10-16 refers to the prophecy of Hezekiah, who was to give birth to the wife of King Ahaz (cf. 2Sam 7:1), the author of Vulgate sees a typical sense in this passage. So Emmanuel is a prefiguration of Jesus Christ („Qui postea vocabitur Jesus, id est, "Salvator", eo quod universum hominum genus salvaturus sit, nunc a te Emmanuelis appelletur vocabulo”; PL 24, 111 C). In my opinion, Commentaria in Isaiam 7:10-16 undoubtedly its value is interesting for researchers dealing with Ancient translations of the Bible, because St. Jerome – vir trilinguis (cf. Apologia adversus libros Rufini 3, 6, PL 23, 462A) who writes in Latin and uses Greek and Hebrew quite well, he copes with the criticism of the text by juxtaposing with the original Bible text the ancient translations available to him (LXX, Aquila, Symmachus and Theodotion).


Book of Isaiah, Fathers of the Church, Jerome, A Commentary on the Book of Isaiah, Hebrew, Latin, Greek, vir trilinguis, typology, Isa 7:10-16

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Jóźwiak, M. M. (2020). Hieronim ze Strydonu jako "vir trilinguis" na przykładzie komentarza do Iz 7,10-16. Vox Patrum, 76, 49–66.

Magdalena Małgorzata Jóźwiak
Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Fields of Research

Patrology, comments of the Fathers of the Church to the Bible, biblical philology, biblical symbolism, textual criticism, didactic books of the Old Testament.


2004/2005 – 2008/2009 – studies of Classical Philology on Faculty of Philology at the University of Wrocław.

2007/20082011/2012 – studies of Theology in the Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Wrocław.

2007/2008 – 2008/2009 – course of Modern Hebrew at Department of Jewish Studies in the University of Wrocław.

2009/20102013/2014 – doctoral studies in Classical Philology on Faculty of Philology in the University of Wrocław.

2009/20102012/2013 – doctoral studies in Biblical Theology in the Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Wrocław.


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