Autour de l’axis mundi. De la notion théorique à la mise en image littéraire dans l’œuvre de Jules Verne (Voyages et aventures du capitaine Hatteras et Le Sphinx des glaces)

Adam Jarosz

Université de Gdańsk , Pologne


The symbolism of axis mundi constitutes an integral part of cultural and religious systems across the world. Such symbolism appears clearly and precisely in all forms of religious life. As it is stressed by Eliade, many a time, axis mundi is an intersection of three varied ontological zones (the interior of the Earth, the surface of the Earth, and the Heaven) and creates a contact place of man with sacrum. The axis mundi symbolism, analysed here as a part of literary studies, is reflected also in two important novels by Julius Verne (Adventures of Captain Hatteras, 1864-65 ; An Arctic Mystery, 1897) dedicated to the polar regions. In both novels, such sites (the north-ern and southern poles) become a literary image of axis mundi, while the hypothesis finds its confirmation in the nature of psychological experiences of the heroes cast in the polar regions. The symbolic and religious study of such experiences leads to the conclusion that in both the analysed cases they may be understood as an experience of a contact with sacrum.

Mots-clés :

imaginary, imagination, island, axis mundi, the North Pole, the South Pole, mythic time

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Jarosz, A. « Autour De l’axis Mundi. De La Notion théorique à La Mise En Image littéraire Dans l’œuvre De Jules Verne (Voyages Et Aventures Du Capitaine Hatteras Et Le Sphinx Des Glaces) ». Quêtes littéraires, nᵒ 3, décembre 2013, p. 101-7, doi:10.31743/ql.4610.

Adam Jarosz
Université de Gdańsk


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