LingBaW. Linguistics Beyond and Within is a peer-reviewed online journal, published annually by the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland. LingBaW is an outlet for original scholarly research conducted by linguists of different persuasions. It is meant to capture the latest advances in language studies and the enthusiasm of contemporary debate on current topics in linguistics. LingBaW illuminates universal and system-specific patterns as well as variety in the structure and use of natural languages. The journal is intended to promote the most excellent language-oriented projects of international scholarship. Contributions focused on the recent theoretical developments and innovative applications of research findings can be published in the form of both full-scale articles and shorter reviews. Hence, we invite all linguists to submit their articles to LingBaW and in this way enrich the forum of linguistic dialogue.

LIBCOM JOURNAL ISSN: 2450-5188 (Online) LIBCOM JOURNAL DOI: 10.31743/LingBaW

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  • Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL)
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  • Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers (NSD)
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  • BLL Bibliographie Linguistischer Literatur
  • Biblioteka Nauki (Library of Science)
  • Sherpa Romeo


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