
Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The paper has not been previously published or sent for review to another journal or edited volume.
  • The paper is fully original and does not infringe any third-party rights. Any other works (or parts thereof) mentioned or included in the text have been properly cited.
  • All authors have contributed significantly to the paper, there is no conflict of interests between the authors, and no ghostwriting or guest authorship has taken place.
  • All information concerning the contribution of other persons and institutions to the paper and the study reported therein has been appropriately disclosed.
  • All information concerning any sources of funding (i.e., institutional, private or corporate financial support) for the study reported in the paper has been appropriately disclosed.
  • All information allowing identification of the author(s) has been removed from the submission file.
  • The manuscript adheres to the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The submission file includes an abstract of 150–250 words, 3–5 keywords and a list of references.
  • The submission file format is DOCX (preferable), DOC, ODT or RTF.

Submission of articles, review of articles, publication of articles and access to published articles are free of charge.

We only accept submissions in English. We strongly recommend that your paper be proofread by a native speaker.

Submissions are accepted on an ongoing basis. If authors wish to have their article considered for publication in the journal in the current year, submissions should be made by the end of April.

All submitted articles are screened for plagiarism using the iThenticate plagiarism checker and peer-reviewed for authenticity and ethical issues (for more details, see PUBLICATION ETHICS AND PUBLICATION MALPRACTICE). All submissions are reviewed by the editorial board and external reviewers. The identities of both the reviewers and the authors are withheld from one another throughout the reviewing process (double-blind peer review). For more information, see PEER REVIEW PROCESS.

To submit a paper for consideration, the (corresponding) author should register on the journal’s website and supply all necessary information, including their name, academic affiliation, email address and ORCID number.

Before making a paper submission, authors are kindly requested to read and abide by the guidelines provided below. If a manuscript departs from these instructions in major ways, it may be returned to the author for corrections before it is sent for review.

  1. Paper length: Papers should not exceed the limit of 6000 words. However, negotiations with the editors concerning the size are possible.
  2. Abstract and keywords: Papers should include an abstract of 150–250 words and 3–5 keywords.
  3. Anonymity: All information allowing identification of the author(s), such as their name(s) and academic affiliation(s), acknowledgments and electronic metadata, should be removed from the submission file.
  4. File format: Papers must be submitted in an electronic format. We accept the following editable file formats: DOCX (preferable), DOC, ODT or RTF. If the article contains symbols or any other elements that might present technical problems, a PDF file should be provided as well for the convenience of the editors and reviewers.
  5. Page, margins and spacing: The A4 pages should be set in single column format. The margins should be set at 2.5 cm top and bottom and 2.5 cm right and left. All sections, including References, must have the same width and depth of type page. The main text of the paper should be justified and have single spacing. All pages must be numbered consecutively.
  6. Font: The Times New Roman font should be used. The main text should be in 11-point type. Authors are urged to avoid using unusual symbolizations. For phonetic transcription, please use the IPA symbols (or other consistent system).
  7. Sections of the article: The paper must be divided into numbered sections (with Introduction as the first section and Conclusion as the last section). Sections of the article must be numbered consecutively, starting with 1 up to the third level (e.g., 1.1.1). Wherever possible, use the section numbers for cross-referencing within the article. First-level headings should be left-justified, boldface, 11-point type. In section titles, only capitalize the first word and any proper names. Second-level subheadings should be left-justified, boldface, italicised and printed in 11-point type. Third-level subheadings should be left-justified, italicised and printed in 11-point type. Do not use headings other than these three.
  8. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively and indicated in the main body of the text by superscripts outside punctuation. The text of the footnotes should be in 10-point type with single spacing.
  9. Long quotations should be indented on both sides, with one space above and below. Always give author’s name, followed by the year of publication and page number(s) in parentheses.
  10. In-text citations must follow the author-date style, e.g., (Beard 1995: 123); Beard (1995) states that… Separate works referred to in the same parentheses should be listed in alphabetical order, e.g., (Brown 1996; Smith 1991, 1992). Use et al. in case more than two authors are involved (but give full names in the References). Abbreviations such as and loc. cit. should not be used.
  11. All linguistic examples must be numbered consecutively throughout the paper, using parenthesised Arabic numerals, and appear in the text as, e.g., (1) or (2b). Automatic numbering must not be used. If a word-for-word or a morpheme-by-morpheme gloss is necessary, the Leipzig Glossing Rules should be used.
  12. All figures, tables and diagrams must be numbered consecutively and supplied with captions in 11-point italics.
  13. The reference section headed References (left-justified throughout) must be included in the paper submission and must contain all works cited in the text (and only those). They must be listed in alphabetical order of author/editor, with complete bibliographical details, including publisher. Journal and book titles must be given in full and must be italicised. Page references must be given for articles in books and journals. There should be no extra space between entries. The second and subsequent lines of each entry should be indented. Where more than one work by the same author is listed, the author’s name should be repeated in each Latin script must be used in the References.
  14. More detailed information on text formatting (with illustration), in particular the formatting and glossing of linguistic examples, section (sub)headings and bibliographic entries in the reference list, is provided here: FORMATTING GUIDELINES.