Laying in a new course? A bibliometric analysis of L2 vocabulary research 1988-92

Paul Meara

Swansea University & University of Oxford image/svg+xml , United Kingdom


This paper uses an author co-citation analysis to examine the research on L2 vocabulary acquisition published in 1992. Two analyses are presented. The first analysis provides a context for the 1992 data. It looks at work that was being cited in a five year window covering 1988-92. The second analysis is a more detailed account of the 1992 research on its own terms.


L2 vocabulary acquisition, vocabulary research, bibliometric, author co-citation

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Meara, P. (2024). Laying in a new course? A bibliometric analysis of L2 vocabulary research 1988-92. LingBaW. Linguistics Beyond and Within, 10, 89–111.

Paul Meara
Swansea University & University of Oxford image/svg+xml


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