Content with content: A content-based instruction approach to curriculum design and course assessment in academic English for business

Deak Kirkham

University of Leeds , United Kingdom


This article reports on the successful implementation of a content-based instruction (CBI) approach to a 6-month pre-sessional academic English for business and management course at a UK university. While recognising that CBI is not a ‘cure-all’ and indeed that the approach brings with it particular issues, such as instructor competence in the content, the article argues CBI offers both significant and wide-ranging benefits as a language teaching approach and as such should be given greater prominence in the language teaching industry.


language teaching, content-based instruction, academic English

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Kirkham, D. (2015). Content with content: A content-based instruction approach to curriculum design and course assessment in academic English for business. LingBaW. Linguistics Beyond and Within, 1(1), 134–151.

Deak Kirkham 
University of Leeds