Some reflections on Chomsky’s notion of reference

Enrico Cipriani

University of Torino , Italy


In this paper, I will focus on Chomsky’s interpretation of the notion of reference. I will summarize Chomsky’s criticisms against the externalist interpretation of such notion, and I will then focus on the internalist (and syntactic) interpretation that the MIT linguist provides. Then I will focus on the relation between the internalist interpretation and the notion of truth, discussing in particular Casalegno and Hinzen’s objections: I will point out that truth does not represent a particular problem for the internalized reference. Finally, I will show how Chomsky explains, inside the internalist perspective, the phenomenon of communication. In Conclusions, I will sketch two important points.


internalized reference, internalist vs. subjective truth, communication, reference vs. referential acts, constitutional uniformity of speakers, I-language, truth conditions

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Cipriani, E. (2016). Some reflections on Chomsky’s notion of reference. LingBaW. Linguistics Beyond and Within, 2(1), 44–60.

Enrico Cipriani 
University of Torino