Sigmatic plurals in Romance varieties spoken in Italy and their interaction with -i plurals

Leonardo M. Savoia

University of Florence , Italy

Benedetta Baldi

University of Florence , Italy

M. Rita Manzini

University of Florence , Italy


In Sardinian, Friulian, Rhaeto-Romance, Occitan (not considered in this work) and Franco-Provençal varieties spoken in peripheral Italian areas, the -i inflection is not totally eradicated but interacts with plural -s. The coexistence of -s and -i reflects syntactic constraints. Specifically, -i is in complementary distribution with -s or it combines with –s, giving rise to a duplicated lexicalization of plurality. In any event, it is specialized for a subset of the morpho-syntactic contexts. The distribution of -i generally involves the D domain, i.e. determiners and clitics. In some cases, -i is limited to the D elements. Different agreement systems on D and on N emerge, recalling partial or asymmetric agreement phenomena known in literature. Moreover, in the relevant varieties (-)i is in turn the inflection of the dative clitic; this suggests that (-)i is endowed with a slightly different content from plural -s, that, on the contrary, shows no connection with dative.


morphology, plural, dative, agreement asymmetries, Romance variation

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Savoia, L. M., Baldi, B., & Manzini, M. R. (2018). Sigmatic plurals in Romance varieties spoken in Italy and their interaction with -i plurals. LingBaW. Linguistics Beyond and Within, 4(1), 141–160.

Leonardo M. Savoia 
University of Florence
Benedetta Baldi 
University of Florence
M. Rita Manzini 
University of Florence