Les crucifix comiques dans quelques textes du Moyen Age français

Agata Sobczyk

Université de Varsovie , Pologne


The presence of the crucifix in comical literature is a special case of an encounter of the sacred and the profane. It appears in several French medieval texts, where it is associated with sexuality or with food, it is treated with familiarity and even casualness, which is not meant to outrage the public, but to make people laugh. The profanation with which we are dealing here has many aspects, depending on whether it can be assigned to a particular personage or to the author, since it is included in the story itself. In the former case, much can be justified by simplicity, but the intentions of the personage do not always seem pure. In the latter case, contrary to expectation, the sacrilege is not necessarily associated with anticlericalism. However, what is the most interesting is the question of the reception of this kind of texts in a profoundly Christian society.

Mots-clés :

fabliaux, Moniage Renouart, crucifix, profanation, trickster

Œuvres :

Douin de Lavesnes. Trubert. 1998. Nouveau recueil complet des fabliaux (NRCF). Noomen W. Assen. Van Gorcum. t. 10. 143-262.

Gautier le Leu. Prêtre teint. 1993. NRCF. t. 7. 307-330.

Moniages Renouart. 1979-88. Bertin G.A. Paris. SATF.

Prêtre crucifié. 1988. NRCF. t. 4. 91-106.

Études :

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Sobczyk, A. « Les Crucifix Comiques Dans Quelques Textes Du Moyen Age français ». Quêtes littéraires, nᵒ 3, décembre 2013, p. 16-23, doi:10.31743/ql.4587.

Agata Sobczyk  agata.sobczyk@uw.edu.pl
Université de Varsovie


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