De la fiction d’une absence à l’autofiction d’une présence : l’écriture de la mort de la mère dans l’œuvre de Jorge Semprun

Catherine Ponchon

Université de Bourgogne , France


“Night has enshrouded my childhood” write Jorge Semprun. Civil War and exile have erased any trace of the childhood he spent in Madrid. What was left to the writer were only flashes of memory and an old picture of his mother. Jorge Semprun was eight years of age when his mother died of septicemia. Through writing, thirty years later, he was able to evoke her death, but how was he to tell about her absence? Between fiction and reality, five of Jorge Semprun’s novels recreate his childhood. His mother will first of all be an absence or an implicit presence behind his relating the city of his childhood. Having set the scene, ghostly characters whose identities are undefined but whose discourses become more and more outlined will appear. The mother will become a nostalgic absence. Her features, her character will be sketched out. Jorge Semprun will move forward hiding behind the multiple identities of his characters and the freedom which fiction provides him. It will be up to the last character, a fictive double of the writer, to find the last traces of a mother who has turned into a haunting presence.

Mots-clés :

childhood, memory, autobiography, autofiction, history, testimony, identity, fiction

Semprun J. 1963. Le Grand Voyage. Paris. Gallimard Folio.

Semprun J. 1967. L’Evanouissement. Paris. Gallimard.

Semprun J. 1969. La Deuxième mort de Ramon Mercader. Paris. Gallimard.

Semprun J. 1978. Autobiographie de Federico Sanchez. Paris. Le Seuil. Traduit de Autobiografia de Federico Sanchez par Claude et Carmen Durand.

Semprun J. 1980. Quel beau dimanche ! Paris. Grasset et Fasquelle.

Semprun J. 1981. L’Algarabie. Paris. Fayard.

Semprun J. 1993. Federico Sanchez vous salue bien. Paris. Grasset et Fasquelle.

Semprun J. 1998. Adieu, vive clarté... Paris. Gallimard Folio.


De Cortanze G. 2004. Jorge Semprun, l’écriture de la vie. Paris. Gallimard.

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Ricœur P. 2000, La mémoire, l’histoire, l’oubli. Paris. Éditions du Seuil.

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Travaux et Recherches de l’UMLV : « Autour de Semprun ». Mai 2003. N° spécial. Université de Marne-la-Vallée.


Ponchon, C. « De La Fiction d’une Absence à l’autofiction d’une présence : L’écriture De La Mort De La mère Dans l’œuvre De Jorge Semprun ». Quêtes littéraires, nᵒ 1, décembre 2011, p. 101-10, doi:10.31743/ql.4650.

Catherine Ponchon
Université de Bourgogne


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