Theodoret of Cyrus towards pagan worship in the light of the work "Cure of the Greek Maladies"
Maria Piechocka-Kłos
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie , Poland
This paper presents a detailed analysis of the work of Theodoret of Cyrus, the theologian and representative of the fifth-century Antiochian exegetical school, entitled Cure of the Greek Maladies, with reference to the passages presenting the question of pagan worship and, more specifically, his [Theodoret’s] position towards it. The Antiochenian understands perfectly well that literature, culture and philosophy are the meeting point between Christianity and Hellenism. He does not explicitly reject the entire output of Greek culture, because he believes that an attempt to reconcile Christianity with Hellenism is possible, but without the participation of pagan worship. Christianity’s superiority to Hellenism must undoubtedly be granted. The author of the apologia offers the pagans a remedy to cure themselves of the disease of conceit. Theodoret of Cyrus condemned, among other things, secret practices and bowing to statues (III, 84; III 85), rejected bloody and impious sacrifices (VII, 3; VII, 10; VII 22; VII, 24), warned not to confuse the cult of martyrs with supplication offerings to the dead for the well-being of the living (VIII, 33; VIII 34), and was critical of the Greek oracles (X, 2-3; X, 9). In order to show more fully the issue referred to in the theme, the historical and social context of the apologia are analysed and the circumstances of the formation of the author's own reason and spirituality are also discussed.
Theodoret of Cyr, pagan worship, Treatment of the diseases of hellenism, Roman Empire, antiquityReferences
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Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
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