Faith and Culture In Personalistic Perspective According to Czesław S. Bartnik

Jan Krzysztof Miczyński

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


According to Professor Czesław S. Bartnik, the scopes of both faith and culture are analogous to the human phenomenon. At the beginning, there is an individual person – hence
both the faith and individual culture (microculture); then the specific community appears, and with it also the common culture (macroculture) as well as the community faith. Usually,
culture is understood as an action that makes a person become more human (active aspect of culture). According to Bartnik’s personalism, the aspect of experience, any reception of
the world (passive aspect of culture) should be added. The same dimensions can be seen in the experience of faith (active and passive). There is a correlation between faith (religion)
and culture: religion defines culture, and culture defines religion (whereas culture is “earlier” in man than religion). The article shows that they both constitute a kind of dyad which leads to personalization of the human being (who nowadays is constantly threatened with unbelief and anti-culture – depersonalization). The culture–faith dyad is subject to the laws of history, and may assume various forms during its course. Former cultures used to be almost entirely built on natural faith in God although they had their atheist element, too. Currently, we already have an epoch of culture that strives to take an entirely atheist shape, however, even this culture does not exist without a religious (or pseudo-religious) form. However, the culture-faith dyad does not become disintegrated.


personalism, personalization, faith, culture, religion

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Jan Krzysztof Miczyński 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

Duchowny Kościoła Rzymskokatolickiego (archidiecezja lubelska), wyświęcony na prezbitera w 1996 r. Odbył studia teologiczne magisterskie (1990–1996) i licencjackie w zakresie teologii duchowości (1998–2000) na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim; pracę magisterską napisał pod kierunkiem ks. prof. Czesława S. Bartnika. Kontynuował studia z zakresu teologii duchowości na Uniwersytecie Gregoriańskim w R zymie (2000–2005). Tam obronił doktorat, przedstawiając rozprawę La cristologia esistenziale nell’esperienza e nelladottrina di Elisabetta della Trinità, której promotorem był o. prof. Bruno Secondin OCarm. Od października 2005 r. pracuje w I nstytucie Teologii Duchowości KUL, a od października 2017 r. pełni funkcję dyrektora tegoż Instytutu. Adres do korespondencji: