The Idea of Imitation in Moral Theology as an Attempt to Systematically Present the Christian Call to Holiness

Tadeusz Zadykowicz

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II w Lublinie , Poland


One of the oldest ways of showing the practical realization of a call to holiness is the imitation of Christ. In the past this idea, with additional role models included, was also used in the moral theological reflection on human development and sanctification. However, those attempts found it difficult to define the subject of imitation as well as imitation itself. Also today, with some reservations, the idea of imitation can be used for a methodical presentation of the Christian vocation to holiness and of concrete ways how this vocation can be realized. When taken together with the biblical category of the vocation and of the gift, this idea allows to present Christian moral life in a synthetic way and can be the reference point for specific moral obligations. However, when using the category of imitation in the correct presentation of a call to holiness, correct terms are needed as well as an understanding of the vocation as found in Revelation and in particular and modern behavioural sciences. Such a presentation would emphasize important features of Christian morality, especially its religious, personalistic and social character, and would manifest misconceptions of both extreme autonomy and extreme heteronomy.


moral theology, imitation, holiness, personal pattern.

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Tadeusz Zadykowicz 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II w Lublinie

Tadeusz Zadykowicz ‒ ur. w 1968 r.; ks. dr hab.; prezbiter Archidiecezji Białostockiej; dyrektor Instytutu Teologii Moralnej na Wydziale Teologii Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II; badania naukowe prowadzi w zakresie: wzorów osobowych w chrześcijańskim życiu moralnym, moralności życia religijnego oraz jego współczesnych kontekstów, biblijnych i kulturowych przesłanek moralności; opublikował Sequela Christi et imitatio hominis. Paradygmat naśladowania we współczesnej refleksji teologicznomoralnej – źródła i perspektywy (Lublin 2011); Maryjność moralności chrześcijańskiej (Lublin 2009).