Problematyka dialogu chrześcijaństwa z kulturą chińską

Roman Malek

Fakultet Teologii Sankt Augustin , Poland


This article focuses on an extremely urgent problem of today’s christian dialogue with china, i.e. the culture (and politics) of the people’s republic of china (prc) and asks whether a christian dialogue with china – which understand herself as an atheist and communist state, which, however, is a country of many religious traditions, is possible, and if so in what form? What are its prospects and challenges? the starting point of the article, after some historical remarks, is a kind of heterotopy of the dialogue in chinese context, involving (iii.1.) the historical and political context, then (iii.2) its partners, and fnally (iii.3) its forms and contents. in this framework, this article is (iV) refection on the challenges, opportunities and prospects of the christian dialogue with chinese culture. this refection is not taken here from the standpoint of theology, but is rather a phenomenological description of the status quo.
At the end of the article (V) some statements of pope John paul ii with regard to the dialogue of christianity with chinese culture are quoted as a kind of summary. The article states a great asymmetry of partners of the dialogue in china caused by the restrictive religious policy. there are some forms of dialogue which, however, are realized outside of the   nstitutionalized christianity, i.e. the christian churches. The churches themselves, due to their historical background, are not very interested in or prepared for an inter-religious dialogue.


chinese culture, dialogue, christianity, partners and forms of the dialogue, religious traditions

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Malek, R. (2020). Problematyka dialogu chrześcijaństwa z kulturą chińską. Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN, (5), 103–132. Retrieved from

Roman Malek 
Fakultet Teologii Sankt Augustin

Ur. 1951 w Bytowie na Kaszubach; filozof, sinolog (Uniwersytet Bonn 1982, 2002), profesor religioznawstwa na Fakultecie Teologicznym w Sankt Augustin oraz docent sinologii na Uniwersytecie w Bonn. Dyrektor Instytutu Monumenta Serica, a także redaktor naczelny czasopisma „Monumenta Serica – Journal of Oriental Studies”,
kwartalnika „Chiny dzisiaj” oraz serii wydawniczych „Monumenta Serica Monograph Series” i „Collectanea Serica”. Redaktor i autor książek dotyczących problematyki chińskiej, Fallbeispiel China. Ökumenische Beiträge zu Religion, Theologie und Kirche im chinesischen Kontext; Das Tao des Himmels. Die religiöse Tradition Chinas (2 wyd.); The Chinese Face of Jesus Christ (t. 1–5); Verschmelzung der Horizonte: Mozi und Jesus. Zur Hermeneutik der chinesisch-christlichen Begegnung nach Wu Leichuan (1869–1944).