Dialog chrześcijaństwa z tradycyjnymi religiami afrykańskimi

Henryk Zimoń


The Vatican council ii in its declaration nostra aetate and several other documents expressed a distinctly positive attitude of the church towards non-christian religions. three post-council documents devoted to a dialogue with the African traditional religions point out and express respect for the spiritual and religious values of the African people. Out of necessity, the following ones were chosen and discussed in brief: the Supreme Being, ancestor spirits, afterlife, morality, rituals. these values fnd their deepest justifcation in African traditional religions, which determine the identity of particular peoples and plays an extremely important role in their life. The religious attitude of Africans dominates in the world of notions, experiences and attitudes to life. Contrary to the views of some cultural and social anthropologists, religion can not be only considered as a social fact which plays defnite functions in a culture. Such an understanding of religion rules out its autonomy and does not fully appreciate its value and importance in the lives of Africans. As a fundamental creative power, religion is the “soul” or heart of culture. it integrates all aspects of culture, giving the latter an ultimate meaning. permeation of the economic, social and political life with religious
elements, together with the ritualization of all important events and aspects of community and individual life constitute a characteristic feature of African communities. Studying the spiritual and religious values of African peoples is recommended and necessary since these values are the basis of a fruitful dialogue with their cultures and religions, they serve to better proclaim the Good news among Africans and its inculturation in Africa.


interreligious dialogue, christianity, African traditional religions, the Supreme Being, ancestor spiritus, afterlife, morality, rituals

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Zimoń, H. (2020). Dialog chrześcijaństwa z tradycyjnymi religiami afrykańskimi. Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN, (5), 249–264. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.kul.pl/index.php/snt/article/view/8297

Henryk Zimoń