The eternal meaning of the humanity of Jesus

Krzysztof Góźdź


The article touches upon an extremely important and at the same time difficult subject of authentication of the fact of Incarnation in contemporary theology and anthropology. Systematic reflection is transferred to the practical side of Christian life. This specific feature of Karl Rahner's theology permeates the fundamental Christian relationship, the relationship between the divine and earthly worlds at the level of personal union of both natures in Jesus Christ. The event of the Incarnation makes visible the role of the humanity of Christ in the work of redemption. It expresses the radical gift of man to God who communicates with himself. Today's man achieves his fulfilment (redemption) through his transcendence towards God, which has reached its absolute dimension in Jesus Christ. Man's exit as a transcendent being towards God is not self-redemption, but is accomplished by the power of God who communicates with man and thus becomes his Saviour. Rahner therefore rightly observes that the meaning of the humanity of Jesus lies in the fact that God redeems man through God-Human, that is to say, as the Roman school taught, redemption is accomplished “in Man”.


Incarnation, redemption, self-sacrifice, Karl Rahner, Christian anthropology

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Krzysztof Góźdź