Personalistic theology

Czesław Bartnik


 The author, as the creator of the original system of personalism, advocates the use of philosophy to the greatest extent possible, including personalism, in systemic theology understood as the doctrine of faith. He points to the far-reaching significance of personalism in the hermeneutics of J 1, 14 and presents a sketch of personalism within the framework of dogmatic theology, which today must be freed from rheism.


personalism, Czesław Bartnik, personalistic theology, doctrine of faith

Bartnik Cz.S., Hermeneutyka personalistyczna, Lublin 1994.
Bartnik Cz.S., Metodologia teologiczna, Lublin 1998.
Bartnik Cz.S., Personalizm, Warszawa 2000.


Bartnik, C. (2020). Teologia personalistyczna. Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN, (1), 57–64. Retrieved from

Czesław Bartnik