The Seraphim in the Biblical Exegesis of St. Jerome of Stridon

Magdalena Małgorzata Jóźwiak

John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


In the patristic era, the Book of Isaiah was of great interest to both Greek and Latin exegetes. St. Jerome of Stridon explained the prophet Isaiah many times. The subject of this article is the passages from book 3 of Jerome’s The Commentary on Isaiah, in which he analyzes, among others, Is 6:1-3 and Is 6:6-7 (cf. Hieronymus, Commentarii in
Esaiam III 6, 1-3 and 6,6-7, Vetus Latina 23, p. 307-315, 318-320). Ergo, in Is 6 appear mysterious beings called Seraphim. After a short introduction to the commentary itself, in this article I present the issue of the Seraphim in Jerome’s exegesis in 4 subsections: (1) The etymology of the term Seraphim (Seraphim = incendentes, comburentes, ardor, incendium, principium oris eorum); (2) Six wings as one of the distinctive features of the Seraphim: (two cover the face of God (maybe theirs?), the second pair of wings covers God’s feet (or maybe theirs?), and the third pair is used for flying); (3) Duties and tasks of the Seraphim (celebration of the holiness of God and being sent with various commissions); (4) Allegorical meaning of the phrase Seraphim (Seraphim can symbolize: Old and New Testaments, serving celestial powers, or some shadow of truth relating to future captivity).


St. Jerome of Stridon, The Fathers of the Church, the Book of Isaiah, The Commentary on Isaiah, Seraphim

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Jóźwiak, M. M. (2023). Serafiny w egzegezie biblijnej św. Hieronima ze Strydonu. Vox Patrum, 88, 113–132.

Magdalena Małgorzata Jóźwiak
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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