St. Augustine’s Interpretation of the Sanctions for Anger (Matthew 5:22bc) Seen in the Light of the Early Christian Exegesis

Leon Nieścior

Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw , Poland


In Matthew 5:22, extremely harsh words against anger are addressed, in which certain sanctions are imposed for anger, depending on its three different manifestations. The author of article tries to systematise the collected references of the Greek and Latin Fathers to Mt 5:22bc, in which anger is subjected to a moral qualification. The article provides an overview of patristic thought on the subject. The author extracts St. Augustine’s thought on the subject and shows it against the background of the exegesis of other writers.


Anger, Matthew 5:22, Augustine of Hippo, patristic exegesis

Ambrosiaster, Commentarius in Pauli epistulam ad Romanos (recensio gamma), ed. H.J. Vogels, CSEL 81/1, Wien 1966.

Apollinaris Laodicensis, Fragmenta in Matthaeum, ed. J. Reuss, Matthäus-Kommentare aus der griechischen Kirche, Berlin 1957, s. 2-54.

Athanasius Alexandrinus (?), Epistulae ad Castorem, PG 28, 849-905.

Athanasius Alexandrinus (?), Quaestiones ad Antiochum ducem, PG 28, 597-700.

Augustinus Hipponensis, Contra adversarium legis et prophetarum, ed. K.D. Daur, CCL 49, s. 35-131, Turnhout 1985.

Augustinus Hipponensis, Contra Faustum ed. J. Zycha, CSEL 25, Wien 1891, s. 251-797.

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Augustinus Hipponensis, De sermone Domini in monte, ed. A. Mutzenbecher, CCL 35, Turnhout 1967, tł. C. Ryznar – J. Sulowski, Św. Augustyn z Hippony, O kazaniu Pana na Górze, PSP 48, Warszawa 1989, s. 21-130.

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Augustinus Hipponensis, Sermones, ed. G. Morin, Miscellanea Agostina 1-2, Roma 1930-1931.

Augustinus Hipponensis (?), Sermones spurii, PL 38, 23-994 (passim).

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Basilius Caesariensis, Asceticon magnum sive Quaestiones (regulae brevius tractatae), PG 31, 1052-1305, tł. J. Naumowicz, Św. Bazyli Wielki, Reguły krótsze, ŹrMon 6, Kraków 1995.

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Caesarius Arelatensis, Sermones, ed. G. Morin, CCL 103-104, Turnhout 1953.

Chromatius Aquileiensis, Tractatus in Mathaeum, ed. R. Étaix – J. Lemarié, CCL 9A, Turnhout 1974, s. 185-489, 624-636.

Constitutiones Apostolorum, w: Didascalia et Constitutiones Apostolorum, t. 1, ed. F.X. Funk, Paderbornae 1905, s. 1-595.

Cyprianus Carthaginensis, Epistulae, ed. G.F. Diercks, CCL 3B-C, Turnhout 1994-1996,

tł. W. Szołdrski, Cyprian z Kartaginy, Listy, PSP 1, Warszawa 1969.

Ephraem Graecus, Reprehensio sui ipsius et Confessio, t. 1, ed. K.G. Phrantzoles, Ὁσίου Ἐφραίμ τοῦ Σύρου ἔργα, Thessalonica 1988, s. 298-353.

Epiphanius Latinus, Interpretatio Evangeliorum, ed. A. Erikson, Lund 1939.

Eucherius Lugdunensis, Instructionum ad Salonium libri, ed. C. Mandolfo, CCL 66, Turnhout 2004, s. 77-216.

Gregorius Magnus, Moralia in Iob, ed. M. Adriaen, CCL 143, 143A, 143B, Turnhout 1979-1985, tł. zbiorowe, Moralia. Komentarz do Księgi Hioba, ŹMon 41, 44, 63, 75, 77, 78, Kraków 2006-2016.

Hesychius Lexicographus, Lexicon (Π–Ω), ed. M. Schmidt, Hesychii Alexandrini lexicon, t. 3-4, Halle 1861-1862.

Hieronymus Stridonensis, Adversus Iovinianum, PL 23, 221-352.

Hieronymus Stridonensis, Commentarii in evangelium Matthaei, ed. D. Hurst – M. Adriaen, CCL 77, Turnhout 1969.

Hieronymus Stridonensis, Commentarioli in Psalmos, ed. G. Morin, CCL 72, Turnhout 1959, s. 177-245.

Hieronymus Stridonensis, Dialogi contra Pelagianos, ed. C. Moreschini, CCL 80, Turnhout 1990.

Hieronim Stridonensis, Liber interpretationis hebraicorum nominum, ed. P. de Lagarde, CCL 72, Turnhout 1959, s. 59-161.

Hilarius Pictaviensis, Commentarius in Matthaeum, ed. J. Doignon, SCh 254/258, Paris 1978/1979, tł. E. Stanula, Hilary z Poitiers, Komentarz do Ewangelii św. Mateusza, PSP 63, Warszawa 2002.

Irenaeus Lugdunensis, Adversus haereses, PG 7, 437-1224.


Nieścior, L. (2024). Augustyńska interpretacja sankcji za gniew (Mt 5, 22bc) na tle wczesnochrześcijańskiej egzegezy. Vox Patrum, 89, 123–148.

Leon Nieścior
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw


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