The sojourn of st. Hilarion of Gaza in Dalmatia according to The vita s. Hilarionis of st. Jerome

Bazyli Degórski

Pontificia Università S. Tommaso d’Aquino a Roma , Italy


The narrative of the sojourn of St. Hilarion in Dalmatia within the Vita writ­ten by St. Jerome seems to encompass and synthetize all the principal elements of the biography of this Palestinian hermit. The search for solitude and anonymity amidst the populations of far distant lands, the impossibility of hiding – for the sake of charity – God’s operating power in miracles, the very presence of the Lord in the faithful monk living a life of prayer and penance, humbleness and love for God, the capability of showing the Lord’s presence in deeds, and the autobio­graphical references of the author of the Vita, St. Jerome, to himself through the life of Hilarion are all elements – though present in the brief section concerning the events occurred in Dalmatia – which profile the author.

It is of significance his resorting to Biblical references, especially to the Gospel, highlighting the relevance of faith. St. Hilarion carries out the work of Christ and presents himself as “alter Christus”. The victory over the sea monster is the vic­tory over evil-the devil and over death. The dominion over nature’s power, namely over the power of the waters of the seismic wave, endangering the earth and its inhabitants. It is – through Christ, with Christ and in Christ, Word of the Living God – the victory of life over the primordial chaos, as well as the new creation over the wound of the original sin. St. Hilarion proposes himself as a “living gospel”, proclaiming and revealing the mystery of the Kingdom amidst humankind. For this reason his lamp, namely he himself as the shining glory of the light of Christ, can­not remain under the bowl, although he would have liked so but, on the contrary, it is God’s will that the lamp be put on its stands, so that everyone may see it, be enlightened by the truth and glorify the Heavenly Father (Mt 5:14-16). Finally, the passages selected and analyzed – though brief in content – witness of the wide classical knowledge of the Dalmatian, who does quote Latin works and authors containing references to events and people of the past. Especially in those pages whom St. Jerome devotes to “his land”, Dalmatia, he seems to grant the highest homage to his Christian hero.


St. Jerome, St. Hilarion of Gaza, Dalmatia, Hagiography, Monasticism

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Degórski, B. (2018). Il soggiorno di sant’Ilarione di Gaza in Dalmazia secondo La vita s. Hilarionis di san Girolamo. Vox Patrum, 67, 101–114.

Bazyli Degórski 
Pontificia Università S. Tommaso d’Aquino a Roma


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