An apology of the identity of the resurrected body in respect of the earthly one in Methodius of Olympus’ De resurrectione

Mirosław Mejzner

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego , Poland


Methodius’ Discourse on the Resurrection (De resurrectione) is an exten­sive and profound presentation of the ecclesiastic understanding of this dogma in the context of the dissent towards certain opinions of Origen, and Platonic currents in Christianity. At the onset of the IV century, one of the central theo­logical problems lay in demonstrating the rationality of the conceptualisation of “the resurrection of the flesh”, as well as a detailed explanation of its essence. The aim of this article is to indicate and describe those elements acknowledged by Methodius as necessary and constitutive for the orthodox understanding of the dogma. A further aim is an analysis of the application of his argumentations, focused on evidencing the identity of the resurrected body in respect of the earthly one, in both matter and form. The article also attempts to understand the essential motivations which induced the bishop of Olympus to address the very complex issue of resurrection during the Diocletianic persecutions. In light of earlier studies, an evaluation of the argumentations of the author of De resur­rectione is proposed, in the context of the doctrinal debates of his times.


Methodius of Olympus, Origen, resurrection, identity of the body, the form of the body, constitutive elements

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Mejzner, M. (2018). La difesa dell’identità del corpo risorto con quello terreno nel De resurrectione di Metodio di Olimpo. Vox Patrum, 67, 403–422.

Mirosław Mejzner 
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego


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