The reception of the Book of Amos by the church fathers: A methodological proposal

Marie Lucie Charpin-Ploix

l’Institut Catholique de Paris , France


Is the method of tracking scriptural references to determine the influence of a biblical book on the Fathers of the Church sufficient? Or, would it be more ap­propriate to expand our methodological resources by taking the convergence of different types of elements into account ? This article seeks to demonstrate the complementary nature of these methods through the example of the reception of the Book of Amos by four Fathers of the Church. The list of quotations by Justin Martyr, Ireanaeus, and Origen is used to perceive how they appeal to and interpret the Book of Amos, as well as the particular status they grant it. In addition to this initial method, a semantic and stylistic analysis of Basil of Caesarea’s Homily VIII reveals supplementary forms of the reception of Amos and thus indicates the im­portant influence of the prophet on this Father and Doctor of the Church.


Amos, Church Fathers, patristic interpretation of Scripture, reception and influence of Amos, methods, quotations, styles of expression and irony

Basilius Caesariensis, Homilia dicta tempore famis et siccitatis, PG 31, 304-328, trad. par l’abbé Auger, in : Homélies, discours et lettres choisis de Saint Basile le Grand, éd. par F. Guyot, Lyon 1827, 39-59, disponible sur site

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Charpin-Ploix, M. L. (2018). La reception du Livre d’Amos par les peres. Proposition Methodologique. Vox Patrum, 67, 71–83.

Marie Lucie Charpin-Ploix 
l’Institut Catholique de Paris


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