The joy from the converted sinner. Metanoia in the teaching of Origen

Jerzy Duda

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie , Poland


In this article the subject of metanoia was presented and the joy from conver­ted sinner in the teaching of Origen in the context of parable „the lost sheep” according the Gospel of St. Luke in chapter 15. At the foundation of the Origen’s analysis there were the problems of salvation history and eschatology connected with the apocatastatis hypothesis. The return of the primitive community will be the source of perfect joy both for the fallen human-beings (because of their sins) and for those who persisted in God’s love. Metanoia is the process connected with beneficial intervention of God in the human history. The first stage of meta­noia, by which there is the absolvation of sins, is the sacrifice which Jesus Christ offered on the cross. Man receiving God’s love should turn his attention towards God once again, recompense for his sins and give the holy fruits of convertion. The process of metanoia is not only closed during the life in this world but is still going on after our death.


metanoia, Origen, joy, sinner

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Jerzy Duda 
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie


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