The social matters in the preaching of John Mandakuni

Ireneusz Milewski

Uniwersytet Gdański , Poland


Social problems were important elements in the preaching of the ancient Christian writers. Interesting, yet little-known examples of such activities are the speeches of John Mandakuni, one of the Fathers of the Armenian Church. In 25 homilies analysed by me, John Mandakuni, besides making references to the social matters, also strives to fight the pagan customs that were adopted by Christians into their everyday lives. According to his account, and the correctness of Mandakuni finding is confirmed by other contemporary Christian preachers, these habitual pagan practices were particularly deeply rooted in Christian wed­ding festivities and funerals.


John Mandakuni, social matters

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Ireneusz Milewski 
Uniwersytet Gdański


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