Pastoral Precepts of Anastasius Sinaita Based on the Homily Delivered “Ad sacra Synaxis”

Dariusz Piasecki

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


The article presents the observations of Anastazy Synaicki on the presence and behavior of his contemporaries during services. Unworthy behavior in a holy place prompts the monk to deeply reflect on the state of mind and mutual relations of believers in Christ. By showing immoral attitudes, loose morals and the lack of in-depth religious knowledge, the Son, referring to the Bible and real-life examples, tries to heal the spiritual disease of his faithful. The homily has an admonishing, moral - didactic and hortative character.


Anastasius Sinaita, homily, service, Mass, liturgical gathering, Oratio de Sacra Synaxi

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Piasecki, D. (2021). Pastoralne wskazania Anastazego Synaity na podstawie wygłoszonej homilii "Oratio de Sacra Synaxi". Vox Patrum, 79, 347–362.

Dariusz Piasecki
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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