Patristic foundations of Marian Rusecki's personalistic and sign-based miracle concept

Jacenty Mastej

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


The aim of the study is to show the patristic foundations of the personalistic-sign concept of the miracle of Fr. Professor Marian Rusecki (1942-2012), the most prominent expert on this subject in Poland at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. The theologian from Lublin began building a holistic theology of miracles with a thorough analysis of biblical and patristic sources. The article presents a synthesis of three main patristic issues raised by Rusecki, namely: the miracle function in the apology of the early Church, the miracle concept of St. Augustine and the pedagogical functions of the miracle indicated by St. Gregory I the Great. The last point, however, presents the main elements of the personalistic-sign concept of the miracle of the professor from Lublin: a personalistic understanding of a miracle, understanding it as a sign and exposing it, apart from the motivational function, also the revelatory, Christological, salvific, ecclesiological and pisteological function. The conducted research allows us to conclude that Rusecki professionally develops and deepens the theological reflection on the issue of miracles, initiated by the writers of the first centuries of Christianity. Especially uses the works of St. Augustine.


Early Christian apologists, St. Augustine, St. Grzegorz I the Great, Marian Rusecki, Jesus Christ, miracle, Church, sign, personalism, faith, God's revelation, salvation

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Mastej, J. (2021). Patrystyczne podstawy personalistyczno-znakowej koncepcji cudu Mariana Ruseckiego. Vox Patrum, 79, 259–276.

Jacenty Mastej
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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